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6 Tips for GHG Verification

6 Tips for GHG Verification

If your business is looking to undergo third part verification for your GHG inventory, it's important to be well-prepared to ensure a smooth verification process.

These 6 tips will help you meet the requirements of third party verification and to increase your chances of getting certified on time.

The Paper Trail

Having a clear and concise paper trail is crucial for a smooth GHG verification process. Verifiers will want to see evidence of how you produced your data and numbers, so make sure it's readily available and easy to find. This is especially important for your largest emissions sources, which will receive the most scrutiny. Be sure you can demonstrate exactly how and where your data came from, and double-check that it's accurate.

Keep a Summary Spreadsheet

Create a summary Excel spreadsheet that includes calculations from all of your emissions sources. Verifiers usually check larger sources back to the original data trail, but for smaller sources, they will likely perform a "sense check" of the calculations. Having all of your calculations in a single spreadsheet makes it easy for verifiers to perform this check, and it also reduces audit time and costs for your organisation.

Have the Right People Available

During the verification, it's crucial to have the right people available. Verifiers may ask for additional information on certain aspects of your organisation, such as its structure, invoices, or emission reduction activities. Make sure someone from your legal team, finance department, or senior management is readily available to answer these questions. This will help ensure a smoother and more efficient audit process and increase your chances of getting certified on time.

Conduct Internal Checks Before the Verification

In preparation for the verification, ask someone within your organisation to review your data and information trail to ensure it can be easily followed. This step can be documented in your Information Management Plan or Standard Operating Procedures.

Allow time for post-audit Changes

It is important to allow time after the verification to make any changes to the data that might be required as a result of findings. This can speed up the process of getting certified and helps ensure your organisation meets the requirements of companies such as Myimprint and Toitū.

Schedule Regular Check-Ins

Set up regular check-ins with your internal team on a monthly or quarterly basis. This approach allows you to track your data regularly throughout the year, instead of scrambling to gather it all at the end. Regular check-ins also help you keep track of your emissions and budgets for specific sources, such as air travel, and enable you to reduce emissions where possible.

By following these six tips, your business can ensure a smoother and more efficient audit process, increase your chances of getting certified on time. If you are considering purchasing carbon credits, third party verification will give you confidence in the accuracy of your GHG inventory. Don't hesitate to reach out to Myimprint for further guidance and support in your GHG verification journey.

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