MyImprint is taking action to support and implement the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
After an inhouse workshop to decide which goals were the most aligned with our organisational values, we collectively decided that the following UNSDG's reinforced where we can have the most impact.
MyImprints SDG's
Actions (21-22)
Impacts (21-22)
Reduce our electricity emissions to zero and encourage the development of sustainable and renewable energy.
The MyImprint office uses energy efficient light bulbs and appliances. We purchase NZ energy certificates to balance our remaining electricity greenhouse gas emissions.
We do this to encourage investment in cleaner energy sources within NZ.
Our energy is sustainably sourced by purchasing energy certificates through Weld Wind Farm.
The money is used to develop clean and sustainable energy.
100% of our energy is carbon zero.
Reduce our emissions by 10% per revenue each financial year.
Be a carbon positive business by offsetting 120% of our emissions through CarbonClick
We are taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts by measuring and reducing our own organisational greenhouse gas emissions. Our remaining greenhouse gas emissions are offset through CarbonClick.
We continue to reduce first and offset second.
MyImprint has officially offset 120% of our greenhouse emissions for financial year 21- 22.
By thinking globally and acting locally, MyImprint will offset 120% of our emissions in financial year 22 - 23 through native forests in New Zealand.
Reduce our emissions by 10% per revenue each financial year.
Be a carbon positive business by offsetting 120% through CarbonClick
We want to help protect and restore our ecosystems. Working with stakeholders at Te Tapuwae O Rongokako Marine Reserve MyImprint planted 200 trees and shrubs alongside additional stakeholders plantings to help restore and protect our precious native flora and fauna.
Natives trees and shrubs are good for Biodiversity in Aotearoa. They will also unofficially sequester approximately 33.7 tonnes CO2e over 50 years. That equals about 175 flights between Auckland and Wellington.
Provide and manage forests to halt biodiversity loss and reverse land degradation. Thinking globally and acting locally, we will plant and manage 200 trees at Tapuwae O Rongokako Marine Reserve this year and next.
Foster strong relationships to provide education and quality information about their impacts in year one. Help 80% of our clients reduce their emissions to meet science based targets in the second year working together.
We believe in developing strong partnerships with our clients to educate and workshop emissions measurement, strategy, and reduction.
We have helped clients understand and reduce the emissions of their businesses, projects and products.
We helped measure and reduce the emissions from 51 projects.
We helped clients gain a carbon sequester certification by reducing their emissions by 10% and by offsetting 120% of their emissions.